Work, Labour Markets and Labour Market Policy
Standard employment contracts are becoming obsolete, the employment rate is significantly lower than in the 70s and there are increasing signs of a post work society. Nevertheless, Austria’s society can still be characterised as one that is work-oriented. Paid work enables social participation and plays a vital role in the daily lives of wage-earners. L&R Social Research specialises in exploring this central societal sphere focusing on following:
- changes in the working world
- precarious work
- gender inequality in the working world
How do technological changes influence daily work routines of employees? What impacts will increasing precarious work have on affected workers? How do those changes affect existing gender inequality? Finding answers to these questions is what L&R Social Research does.
Changes occurring in the working world have to always be seen as the result of the combined influences of employees, enterprises, social partners and politics. Therefore, L&R Social Research wants to highlight opportunities to shape the changes in the working world and to analyse the results of those shaping approaches from the perspective of all participants involved.
Additionally, research activities in this field explore the effects of labour market-related measures and programmes including analyses of impacts on employment and fiscal effects of funding instruments and programmes. Results of such evaluations provide the basis for optimal labour market policy intervention.
Recent Projects on this topic
- Scientific monitoring of the fit2work counselling programme
- Harassment in the workplace: Experiences in selected sectors with a low number of women in Lower Austria
- Who counts? The value and diversity of the work of women 60+ in rural areas
- Meta-analysis on the employment of people with disabilities in early childhood education
- EU-Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) – People and Skills (2024-2028)
- Social and Psychological Stress of Austrian Farmers and Foresters and the Importance of Support Services to Improve Farmers’ Well-being
- Scientific Expertise: Implementation of the European Social Partner Agreement on “Women in Rail” (WIR Project)
- Care for the Gap! – Where are the men in Primary and Elementary School Education?
- Dialogue forum for jobseekers in Vienna 2024
- Gender Equality Report Vienna Holding 2023
- Social Innovation Plus
- Making Ends Meet During Unemployment
- Opportunities and limitations of successful labour market integration of the long-term unemployed
- Contribution with impact: Participation of employees in elementary ecudation
- Establishment of a Competence Centre for Social Innovation
- Double Fragility: The Care Crisis in the Corona Crisis
- Evaluation TrainingFit (AFit) and pre-Module
- ELEMeNT – Elementary Educators Learning the Development of Media with New Technologies
- We – Viennese women with disabilities – 4 stops
- Upgrade Labor Market Policy Moldova
- Demand for and expansion of childcare in Tyrol and Salzburg
Completed Projects
- Evaluation of the Operational Programme “Employment Austria 2014 to 2020” of the European Social Fund
- ESF implementation concept ‘gender equality’ within ESF-OP 2014-2020
- ESF funding concept ‘active and healthy aging’
- Evaluation of Qualification Pass Vienna
- Raising the Labour Force Potential of Women with Childcare Responsibilities in the Province of Carinthia
- ResilianceWorks – Measures to Prevent Radicalization and Increase the Resilience of Young People in Programs for Labour Market Integration
- Explorative Study on the Political Participation of Young Women
- Measuring the Gender Equality Impact of PES Measures
- Compilation of figures, data and facts on the topic of gender equality in Austria
- Survey on “Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in Vienna’s Catering Industry”
- Effects on gender equality of services of the Public Employment Service Austria
- Conceptual Preparation of the Gender Equality Priority Axis
- Evaluation of Labour Law Regulations on Home Office “Home Office Package of Measures 2021”
- Parents@Work: Changing Perceptions!
- Educational and career choices of young women: MINT (STEM) the Gap!
- Monitoring Evaluation of the Training Initiative for Working Women 2023
- Company Survey as part of the “DigiUP4.0” Project
- The EU Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality on Artificial Intelligence and Gender Biases in Recruitment and Selection Processes
- More Women into the Technical Field, but How? Inspecting Initiatives to Raise the Share of Women in Technical Occupations
- Lecture on “Gender, Digitalisation, Labour Market” in the Context of the German-Chinese Symposium “Gender and Future of Work”
- DIGI-O: Offensive for New Work through Digitization in the Austrian-Hungarian Border Region
- Overview of Support Services for Skilled Workers in Vienna
- Talk about IT! To Design Digitalisation Participatory: Gender-appropriate and Diverse
- Hidden Technological Work: Looking for Service-4.0-Pioneers
- Equal opportunities for women with disabilities on the labour market.Obstacles – Challenges – Solutions
- Login Instead of Logout – Focus on Mature Workforce and Digitalisation
- Accompanying Evaluation U25 – Viennese Youth Support
- Labour Supply and Demand in Vienna as well as Sector Portraits on the Skilled Labour Situation
- Re-entry Monitoring 2022: Impact of the Covid Crisis and Longer-Term Trends
- 30 Years of Free Movement of Workers
- Prohibited Work and Continued Payment under the Maternity Protection Act (MSchG) and the Provincial Labour Act (LAG)
- Evaluation of the Employment Careers of Female FiT Graduates (“Women in Crafts and Technology”) in Austria
- Evaluation of the Counselling and Care Facilities in Burgenland
- DigiTyps – De-stereotyping of Job Profiles and Training Concepts in the Digital Transformation
- Evaluation EURES for the Year 2021
- Wage and Social Dumping in Austria After 10 Years of the Open Labour Market
- Evaluation of the Contact Points for People with Qualifications Gained Abroad during the Period 2017-2020
- E-learning Under the ‘Equality Glasses’
- Education Location Southwest Styria: Regional Optimization of the Job Orientation Process
- Film-makers in Austria: Working Conditions and Health
- Expertise: Gender Equality Related Employment Effects of Digitalisation
- Analysis and Reporting of the Online Survey ‘Parents want more for Kindergardens and Co’
- Unemployment Benefit Recipients Failing to Access Labour Market Policy Measures
- EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) – People and Skills
- Evaluation of the grant for skilled employees
- Re-entry Monitoring in Austria and the Nine Provinces, 6th Version 2024
- Don’t promote yesterday’s working time policy
- New forms of work in the border area of Independence – Dependence. Analysis of the situation in the construction industry
- Reconciling Work & Caring Responsibilities Among Film and Music Professionals: Status Quo and Perspectives for Action
- Living Conditions of People with Disabilities in Vienna