L&R Social Research is a scientific institute located in Vienna, Austria, which has been active in social research since 1990. The main services offered by L&R Social Research include research, consulting and development as well as lectures, workshops and networking. The main topics we address are labour markets, education and training, digitalisation, sustainability, social policy, gender inequality, diversity, inclusion as well as international cooperation projects.
Our institute focuses on evaluation studies to assess programmes, measures and projects. Furthermore, we conduct studies in the areas of basic research and market observation. Particular attention is paid to the practical relevance of the research work. Therefore, methods of practical application are also considered. It is the targeting of the connection between analytical and practical aspects that enables increased certainty in decision-making based on scientific expertise.
The relevance of L&R Social Research’s networking and cooperation activities has increased considerably over the past years. National network structures have proven advantageous for the preparation and support of knowledge management, transfer of technical expertise and cooperation. Well-functioning international network structures are one of the most important elements for initiating and managing successful cross-border research and development projects.
Direct exchange of information and close cooperation between L&R Social Research’s scientific and consulting staff members plays a major role. This is how the synergy effects provided by theory, experience and practical implementation are best used. In this context, decision takers entrusted by ministries, federal state governments, municipalities, and other institutions to design, arrange and implement public interest measures and programmes, increasingly rely on our institute’s scientific expertise.