International Cooperation
As a result of the European integration process, economic and living areas merged across state borders. Previous experience has shown that challenges can be met if all actors and authorities involved work together systematically. This is where activities of L&R Social Research regarding international cooperation begin. Relevant aspects are:
- intensification of cooperation and strengthening of know-how transfers across borders to relevant actors
- sustainable networking of institutions and actors
- development and implementation of projects for groups facing disadvantages in labour markets
Recent Projects on this topic
Completed Projects
- Evaluation of the Operational Programme “Employment Austria 2014 to 2020” of the European Social Fund
- Content preparation of the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) Operational Programme in Austria (Programme Period: 2021-2027)
- Parents@Work: Changing Perceptions!
- Lecture on “Gender, Digitalisation, Labour Market” in the Context of the German-Chinese Symposium “Gender and Future of Work”
- DIGI-O: Offensive for New Work through Digitization in the Austrian-Hungarian Border Region
- 30 Years of Free Movement of Workers
- Evaluation EURES for the Year 2021
- EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) – People and Skills
- The Roma Centre in “Bogdán János” – Roma Minority Community Centre in Nagykanizsa
- Labour Foundations in South-East Europe – Needs and Implementation Options
- Labour Market Policy Support Programme for Moldov
- Postings and transfers to Austria, wage dumping. A study focusing on the construction sector.
- The eternal Pay Gap? A brief analysis
- Update of the study towards Temporary Agency Work in Austria
- EURES Evaluation for the year 2017
- danube@work
- EURES Evaluation for the year 2018
- National expertise for implementing the Treaty principle on “equal pay for equal work or work of equal value”
- Study on integrated delivery of social services aiming at the activation of minimum income recipients in the labour market – success factors and reform pathways
- EURES Evaluation
- Study about the combination of technology and educational transition
- Labour market policy measures für the Austrian-Moldovan cooperation within the construction industry
- Building Capacities in the Danube Region
- Quality assessment to the designation procedure according to Regulation (EU) 1303-2013 – Article 123f
- Support with the clarification of documents from job seeking clients of states of the former Yugoslavia
- Establishment of a centre of excellence within the Moldovan financial sector
- Labour market policy related Transfer of know-how in South East Europe based on the strategy Europe 2020 or strategy for the Danube Region
- Posting of Workers, wage dumping: quantitative and qualitative developments in Austria
- Wage and social dumping through cross-border provision and deployment of temporary workers to Austria (focus: field of construction)
- Evaluation of the EURES activities of the Public Employment Service Austria: The satisfaction of customers of the EURES services
- Evaluation of EURES
- The situation of home care by relatives in the Austrian-Hungarian border region
- Multifunctional centers within the Albanian vocational training
- Assessment and approval of qualifications from the successor states of Yugoslavia
- Feasibility study of a building academy in Albania
- The Austro-Hungarian Expert Academy
- Austrian-Slovenian Expert Academy
- The Austrian-Czech Expert Academy
- Improvement of the Staff Qualification for Survey, Evaluation and Prognosis of Employer’s Qualification Requirements and Requirements of Whole Regions
- Creating an online cross-border commuting brochure for the Austrian-German border regions
- Austrian-Croatian labour market cooperation 2009 – 2010
- Compendium. Good practice examples in promoting diversity and implementing antidiscrimination measures in the labour market
- Hungarian cross-border commuters in Austria
- Employment policy networking in the framework of the project Supra-regional employment initiative Vienna-Bratislava
- Croatia working group: Capacity Building Employment Service
- The Austrian-Slovak Experts Academy
- The Austro-Hungarian Expert Academy
- EUREGIOsocial – An overview of the situation in the social sector, the care sector and the health care sector in the Weinviertel – Southern Moravia region
- Migrants in Vienna´s employment market
- Barometer of public opinion industrial quarter