Resources, chance and social recognition are distributed inequally along the classification of gender. Researching this inequality has been one of the main focuses of L&R Social Research since the institute was founded in the 1990s. Gender mainstreaming, basic and applied science on gender topics and critical men’s studies are just some of the aspects addressed.
L&R has specialised in research projects addressing the intersection of gender and labour. Some examples of research fields in this area are listed here:
- gender pay gap and gender time gap
- inequal distribution of wage- and reproduction labour
- discrimination in the workplace
- horizontal and vertical segregation of labour markets
- outcomes of digitalisation processes for women and men
The practical relevance of projects within this area is essential to implement gender-sensitive change. In addition to research activities, concrete development and consulting projects are also carried out.
Recent Projects on this topic
- Social and Psychological Stress of Austrian Farmers and Foresters and the Importance of Support Services to Improve Farmers’ Well-being
- Scientific Expertise: Implementation of the European Social Partner Agreement on “Women in Rail” (WIR Project)
- Care for the Gap! – Where are the men in Primary and Elementary School Education?
- Gender Equality Report Vienna Holding 2023
- GEQ-AT Gender Equality and Quality of Life
- Making Ends Meet During Unemployment
- Raising the Labour Force Potential of Women with Childcare Responsibilities in the Province of Carinthia
- Contribution with impact: Participation of employees in elementary ecudation
- Monitoring Evaluation of the Training Initiative for Working Women 2023
- Establishment of a Competence Centre for Social Innovation
- Double Fragility: The Care Crisis in the Corona Crisis
- ELEMeNT – Elementary Educators Learning the Development of Media with New Technologies
- External Accompanying Evaluation of the “Healthy Barbers” Project
- Re-entry Monitoring in Austria and the Nine Provinces, 6th Version 2024
- Demand for and expansion of childcare in Tyrol and Salzburg
Completed Projects
- Explorative Study on the Political Participation of Young Women
- Measuring the Gender Equality Impact of PES Measures
- Compilation of figures, data and facts on the topic of gender equality in Austria
- Conceptual Preparation of the Gender Equality Priority Axis
- Educational and career choices of young women: MINT (STEM) the Gap!
- “More Women* in the Rail Industry!” – Quantitative Analysis and Qualitative Exploration of Existing Barriers and Starting Points
- Re-entry Monitoring 2022: Impact of the Covid Crisis and Longer-Term Trends
- Prohibited Work and Continued Payment under the Maternity Protection Act (MSchG) and the Provincial Labour Act (LAG)