Making Ends Meet During Unemployment

Based on qualitative interviews with people affected by unemployment in Vienna, this research project explores the question of how those affected manage on a significantly lower income and how they make ends meet. People in different life situations, with various family constellations, professional backgrounds, socio-demographic characteristics and in different phases of unemployment are interviewed.

In addition to the specific situation in each case, how they deal with a significantly reduced earned income and the risk of marginalisation and poverty will also be discussed. The aim is to visualise the risk of poverty and exclusion associated with unemployment, especially long-term unemployment, based on the stories of those affected and to develop possible strategies to counter this. The aim is also to help destigmatise people looking for work.

Topics: Education and Training, Gender, Labour Market, Social Issues
Client: Chamber of Labour Vienna
Team: Claudia Sorger, Nadja Bergmann, Nicolas Pretterhofer
Status: laufend
from: 2024 to: 2024