Film-makers in Austria: Working Conditions and Health

The Austrian Film-makers Association commissioned the institut L&R Social Research to conduct a follow-up study on the working and living conditions of film-makers in Austria focusing on their working situation and health.

As former studies show, film-makers are confronted with a broad range of workloads like an insecure financial situation resulting from fragmented employment relationships. The aim is to identify such problematic working conditions and to analyse their impact on the health of film-makers.

Topics: Labour Market, Social Issues
Tags: Arbeitsbedingungen, Diskriminierung, Filmschaffende, Gesundheit, Gewalt, Künstler, prekär
Client: Austrian Filmmakers Association
Team: Lisa Danzer, Nadja Bergmann, Petra Wetzel
Status: beendet
from: 2019 to: 2020
