Prohibited Work and Continued Payment under the Maternity Protection Act (MSchG) and the Provincial Labour Act (LAG)
In principle, there are certain employment prohibitions under the Maternity Protection Act (MSchG) and the State Labour Act (LAG) for expectant or breastfeeding mothers, e.g. with regard to heavy, physical work that may endanger the safety and health of the child and/or mother. Such employment bans can have two consequences: The employer can adapt the working conditions accordingly or provide an alternative workplace for the expectant mother. If this is not possible, a leave of absence is granted due to a job-related employment ban.
The aim of the study was firstly to quantify the number of female employees and the costs of continued remuneration due to a leave of absence in the case of job-related employment bans. In addition, the type of employment ban was surveyed.
Secondly, the study examines how many female employees were in principle subject to a job-related employment ban in 2019, but did not have to be released because a change in working conditions or a replacement job was possible.
Team: Andreas Riesenfelder, Lisa Danzer
from: 2022 to: 2023