Toolbox, manual and portal “Third Sector”
Focal Points of the further development concept for the Third Sector
- Concept further development Third Sector Vienna: Development, review and imple-mentation of a comprehensive concept with the focal points quality of work (law, finances, income maintenance and atypical employment), innovative and demand ori-ented approaches for quality development, lasting personnel development supported by an internal EDV Portal and the determination of employment potential through new forms of cooperation accordingly to the model of Public-Social-Private Partnerships.
- Innovative development project in the area quality of work / quality management: in order to assure on the one hand the development of a practicable concept and on the other hand an optimum added value received from the co operations, the process was accomplished with the participation of experts of abzwien who secured the learning of all involved partners.
- Project portal supported Human resources management process: In the area of new HRM processes the development team conveyed practice tests. The tight involvement with the target groups the optimal quality of the developed products was guaranteed and the adaptation to specific needs of the organisations was assured.
- Review of the transferability of the further development concept: In order to secure the capability of developed concepts and tools for a mainstreaming the EP (BCP) in its function as a responsible body implemented the integrative concept for further development of the Third Sector with the help of two pilot projects.
Results: Since September 2005 three products are to be available:
- Toolbox ‘Further development of Third Sector Organizations’
- Internal Portal for the Third Sector
- Handbook ‘The Third Sector – an economic sector with responsibility’
You can download the Handbook and the Toolbox under as a PDF file without registration and at no charge. For further information pleas contact L&R Social Research tel. +43 (1) 595 40 40 Mag. Andreas Riesenfelder, and Mag.a Petra Wetzel, The portal can be send to you if you wish. For questions concerning the portal please address isit consulting GmbH, Dr. Christa Reich,, tel +43 (0)664 25 33 626.
Team: Andreas Riesenfelder, Ferdinand Lechner, Petra Wetzel
from: 2003 to: 2005
from: 2003 to: 2005