Re-entry Monitoring 2022: Impact of the Covid Crisis and Longer-Term Trends
The current special evaluation of the re-entry monitoring of the Vienna Chamber of Labor focuses on Covid-related effects on child leave. Thus, the team of L&R Social Research investigates the question to what extent Covid-related stresses show an impact on employment trajectories.
One consequence of these stresses in the family and at work may be the retraditionalization of gender relations triggered by Covid, caused by economic and existential insecurities, the Covid-related need to reorganize due to career changes, school and kindergarten closures. Furthermore, it cannot be ruled out that Covid has an even stronger impact, especially on single mothers, due to the poor reconciliation of work and family during the crisis and on people with lower job levels and specific sectors.
Despite the fact that the re-entry monitoring in its basic orientation aims primarily at making longer-term processes visible, this special evaluation can already show first short-term trends on the influence of Covid on child leave. This is intended as a contribution to making crisis-related trends visible at an early stage and developing measures to counteract them.
Team: Andreas Riesenfelder, Lisa Danzer
from: 2022 to: 2023