More Women into the Technical Field, but How? Inspecting Initiatives to Raise the Share of Women in Technical Occupations

Women still take up technical training significantly less often than men. L&R Sozialforschung and öibf have conducted a study on behalf of AMS Upper Austria to trace training and career choice processes that still contribute to a gender-segregated professional world and to explore possible fields of intervention to improve this.

The project was developed on the basis of data and literature research, the collection of good practice examples, focus groups and interviews with young female technicians, companies, school representatives, and labour market experts as well as an online survey with counsellors. .

The report is available for download from the AMS Research Network:

AMS report 157-158 – Frauen in technischen Ausbildungen und Berufen (

In short: AMS_info_532_-_FIT_Studie.pdf (

Client: Public Employment Office Upper Austria
Team: Nadja Bergmann, Nicolas Pretterhofer
from: 2020 to: 2021
