Marginal part-time employment in Austria

In 2002, L&R Social Research conducted a first comprehensive baseline study on the employment situation and the social and financial security of marginally part-time employed people in Austria in cooperation with the Department of Government of the University of Vienna. By the time of the study at hand there had not been any more detailed studies published on the situation of marginally part-time employed people in Austria.

This study thus aimed at the provision of former up-to-date information on the situation of marginally part-time employed people. The results were linked to those of the previous study, so that any changes could be analyzed with respect to their development over time. Among other things, the findings from this study aimed to contribute to a more means-oriented design of the information available for marginally part-time employed people, as laid down in the current government programme. Additionally, the study addressed a number of new topics.

In view of the fact that a considerably higher number of women than men are in marginal part-time employment – as opposed to other new forms of employment – special attention was given to a gender analysis. Of the yearly average of 2009, two thirds of the marginally part-time employed persons were women. For a long time it had been approximately 70%. Accordingly, the number of men is therefore growing in comparison. In the recent comparison of the years 2009 and 2008, the percentage of men in this form of employment was +7.9% compared to +2.2% women. In spite of these developments, marginal part-time employment is predominantly female, which is why this study gave particular attention to the situation of women.

The primary objectives of the suggested research study included the following points:

  • Description of the Austrian legal situation and analysis of related research projects of the last years,
  • European benchmark analysis: collecting, processing, and analyzing the data and research results available for Europe – comparison,
  • Description of the status quo and development of the employment market situation and the material and financial security of marginally part-time employed persons,
  • Specific analysis of the situation of women,
  • Identification of challenges and potential for optimisation.
Client: Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection
Team: Andreas Riesenfelder, Petra Wetzel, Susanne Schmatz
from: 2010 to: 2011
