EASYMetal – Development of a European Credit System for apprenticeship occupations in the field of metal industry
Scope of the project
EASYMetal is a project of the European Commission in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) – Leonardo da Vinci Programme. The project management lies with INBAS (Institute for Vocational Training, Labour Market and Social Policy), a research institute in Germany.
The project aims to develop and test the so-called “European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training“ for vocational training in the field of the metal industry in Germany.
The project EASYMetal involves the development and testing of procedures and instruments for the purpose of making the competences of adolescents undergoing vocational training preparation transparent and comparable for their recognition in dual vocational training. The procedures are based on the principles applied for the implementation of ECVET bearing in mind the special characteristics of the German vocational training system. In collaboration with the project partners, the aim is to align procedures and instruments which will enhance permeability at the interface between vocational training preparation and dual vocational training. Professional competences are to be rendered understandable and accreditable for European countries.
Responsibilities of L&R Social Research
It was the responsibility of L&R Social Research, together with two other international partners from Denmark and Turkey, to reflect essential provisional results provided by the German partners against their respective national background, thereby offering suggestions for a European-wide implementation and adaptation of the results; another responsibility is to prepare the results for their use for the Austrian discourse. In this effort, transnational workshops have been held with Austrian players and expert interviews have been conducted.
Detailed information: http://easymetal.inbas.com/index.html
Team: Nadja Bergmann
from: 2011 to: 2013