Who counts? The value and diversity of the work of women 60+ in rural areas

Women aged 60+ in rural areas are a very diverse, but at the same time less visible group. In particular, the (paid and unpaid) work performed by women aged 60+ receives little social attention. For example, women in rural regions carry out a large amount of unpaid or low-paid work. The low monetary recognition of the work performed by women in rural regions can have a negative impact on various areas of life, particularly in later phases of life, such as quality of life, care and support, social relationships and social participation. Added to this are financial dependencies and/or a higher risk of poverty in old age (EU-SILC 2022), especially for those women who are not socially integrated via family or other social networks. In addition to the low level of financial recognition, the diversity of the work performed by women in rural areas is barely visible and is often highly stereotyped and standardised. At the same time, the group of women aged 60+ in rural areas brings with them a variety of life and work experiences as well as knowledge that can be passed on to younger generations and represent a valuable resource for intergenerational learning effects. Women in the 60+ age group are therefore important role models.

The aim of the project is to highlight the value and diversity of the work carried out by women aged 60+ in rural regions. The focus is on the Pinzgau and Pongau regions.
As part of the project, a variety of activities are to be organised in both regions:

  •  The diversity of the target group will be highlighted through the participatory involvement of as many different groups of women aged 60+ as possible in two rural regions.
  • Biography work and intergenerational exchange will enable participation and exchange, empowering the target group and sensitising other groups.
  • In addition to storytelling cafés with as many different women in the 60+ age group as possible, interactive events, school workshops, the creation of a bingo game and a photo exhibition in the regions are also planned.

L&R Social Research is realising the project together with Solution Social Research & Development.
Co-operation partners in the regions:
Barbara Niehues, Frauenservicestelle KoKon
Heidemarie Rest-Hinterseer

Website zum Projekt: https://frauen60plus.at/
Client: Bundeskanzleramt – Sektion III für Frauenangelegenheiten und Gleichstellung, Federal Chancellery - Section III for Women's Affairs and Gender Equality
Team: Barbara Willsberger, Claudia Sorger, Katharina Aufhauser, Lisa Danzer
from: 2024 to: 2025