Support of the Project “AuToSoDot” of the Vienna Institute for Safety & Systems Engineering, FH Campus Wien
The Vienna Institute for Safety & Systems Engeneering of the FH Campus Vienna is currently working on the project “AuSoDoTS – safety concept for independent, railbound, on demand, open track systems“. The projekt aims at creating a safety concept for the usage of inoperative secondary lines through self-propelled trains.
L&R Social Research supported the team of the Vienna Institute for Safety & Systems Engeneering with the conception and conduction of an empirical survey to explore attitudes towards the project of residents from municipalities next to inoperative secondary lines.
Client: FH Campus Wien. University of Applied Science
Team: Lisa Danzer, Nadja Bergmann
from: 2018 to: 2018
Team: Lisa Danzer, Nadja Bergmann
from: 2018 to: 2018