Situation report on the Gender Wage Gap in Vienna

Still women earn manifestly less than men do – that is also the case also for Vienna. Multiple and correlated causes are considered relevant for the construction and maintenance of this gender wage gap. Four areas were in focus for the situation report on the gender wage gap between employed men and women in Vienna:

  • Gender wage gap in Vienna: Description of the status quo on basis of existing data sources
  • Theoretical and empirical findings concerning the causes and effects of gender wage gap: approaches and topics in the current discourse
  • Analysis of Good-Practice-Models aiming at a closure of the gender wage gap: policy approaches in national and international models
  • Development of an action plan: taking these analysis as a starting point, the findings and models were discussed with experts, especially regarding their transferability for the Viennese context and a possible need for further information and research. On this basis, possible steps towards a closing of the gender wage gap were outlined.

Client: Vienna Municipal Council, MA 57
Team: Barbara Willsberger, Claudia Sorger, Nadja Bergmann, Peter Prenner, Petra Wetzel, Susanne Schmatz
from: 2007 to: 2008
