Prognostic validation of the determination of the employment potential by analysing data from the Public Employment Service and the Main Association
The project was carried out in cooperation with the social science institute abif und the counselling enterprise move-ment. A complex multi-stage data transfer procedure was necessary to ensure data protection.
The employment potential tool provides the PES with a precise determination of what a job-seekers need in order to be integrated into the labour market on a sustainable basis.
On the part of L&R Social Research, longitudinal data analyses on data of the main association of Austrian social insurance institutions (‘Hauptverband der österreichischen Sozialversicherungsträger’) and the PES were carried out.
The following indicators were prepared:
Volume of employment in the 1-, 6- and 12-month post-observation period
Employment stability in the 1-, 6- and 12-month follow-up periods
Volume of sick days in the 1-, 6- and 12-month follow-up period
Volume on other secured days away from work (OLF), such as maternity allowance, parental leave allowance, military service, civilian service, pensions
Participation in AMP measures (differentiated according to activations, orientation offers, qualifications, training offers, counselling and care facilities (BBE), outreach placement support (ABBE), integration allowances (EB), subsidised employment (SÖB, GBP), further training allowance, childcare allowance, combination wage)
Branch entering in the acquisition system in the 6- and 12-month follow-up period (and here above all focus on the public sector and associations)
Client: abif - analysis consulting and interdisciplinary research
Team: Andreas Riesenfelder
from: 2015 to: 2015
Team: Andreas Riesenfelder
from: 2015 to: 2015