Our Projects 2017
Completed Projects
- ESF implementation concept ‘gender equality’ within ESF-OP 2014-2020 (2016 - 2017)
- Men and Reconciliation of Work and Family: Supporting the Path to Gender Equal Distribution of Parental Leave and Working Time (2015 - 2017)
- Digitisation – Industry 4.0 – Work 4.0 – Gender 4.0 (2017)
- mobilTIMES – concepts for a multifunctional usage of the mobility-time budget (2017)
- Educational Situation of Young Women in Trades and Technical Vocations (2015 - 2017)
- Re-entry monitoring in Austria and the nine provinces, 3rd version (2016 - 2017)
- Current vocational training: renaissance of the notorious labour market segregation (2017)
- Evaluation of the ‘Promotion 2.0’ – VHS learning support at schools of Vienna (2017)
- Effectiveness of gener equitable measures in the field of MINT disciplines (mathematics, computer science, natural science, technology) (2017)
- Study on the sustainability of the business start-up program offered by the PES in Lower Austria (2017)
- The PES as driving force behind integration – labour market participation of women entitled to asylum: challenges, perspectives and equal opportunities (2017)
- Update of the study towards Temporary Agency Work in Austria (2017)
- Work 4.0, Education and Qualification: Challenges and Solutions (2017)
- Men and Reconciliation of Work and Family: Supporting the Path to Gender Equal Distribution of Parental Leave and Working Time: Business Cases (2017)
- “Girls Go IT: Building the Future Workforce. Trends and Instruments that are Driving the Labour Market in Austria” (2017)
- Gender Mainstreaming within the FTI-strategy? Innovative Vienna 2020? (2016 - 2017)
- Study on integrated delivery of social services aiming at the activation of minimum income recipients in the labour market – success factors and reform pathways (2016 - 2017)
- EURES Evaluation (2016 - 2017)
- Labour market policy related Transfer of know-how in South East Europe based on the strategy Europe 2020 or strategy for the Danube Region (2015 - 2017)
- Posting of Workers, wage dumping: quantitative and qualitative developments in Austria (2016 - 2017)