Our Projects 2010
Completed Projects
- Collection of examples for a better integration of the vocational orientation and information within schools (2010)
- Interim evaluation of ESF communication and PR work in the framework of ESF OP 2007-2013 (2010)
- Lake Neusiedl tourism network model region (2009 - 2010)
- Austrian-Croatian labour market cooperation 2009 – 2010 (2009 - 2010)
- Compendium. Good practice examples in promoting diversity and implementing antidiscrimination measures in the labour market (2010)
- Hungarian cross-border commuters in Austria (2009 - 2010)
- Evaluation of the 2007-2009 employment campaign (2009 - 2010)
- Securing employment and income in rural areas (2009 - 2010)
- Evaluation of the Work Ability-Coaching in the context of the qualification consulting for SMEs – Assessment of the effectiveness (2009 - 2010)
- Poverty and social cohesion: concepts, perception of the people concerned and effects of the economic crisis (2010)
- 2010 manuals on labour force and qualification needs in the nine Austrian provinces (2010)
- Socially disadvantaged people and people furthest from the labour market in the province of Burgenland (2010)
- Evaluation of the employment policy support measures of the public employment service (AMS) Carinthia (2009 - 2010)