Nicolas Pretterhofer BA
- Function: Research and Project Management
- Studies: Sociology at the University of Vienna (Erasmus stay in Amsterdam)
- Professional experience:
since 2017: Employee at L&R Social Research - Main research areas: Labour Market, Education and Training, Gender, Digitalization
- Contact:
Phone: +43 (0)1 595 40 40 – 21
Recent Projects
- Social and Psychological Stress of Austrian Farmers and Foresters and the Importance of Support Services to Improve Farmers’ Well-being
- GEQ-AT Gender Equality and Quality of Life
- Smombie (“Smartphone Zombie) in the Fake News Bubble? Digital Participation and Critical Media Competence of (Educationally) Disadvantaged Young People
- Making Ends Meet During Unemployment
- Participation Digitization Monitor (ParDiMon)