“Viennese Women with Disabilities” – Retrospective of the 6th Event!


Together with Heidemarie Egger, L&R Social Research is holding the barrier-free event series “Viennese Women with Disabilities” on behalf of the Vienna Women’s Department (MA 57).

The 6th “Haltestelle” on 13 May focused on the topic of mothers with disabilities. Together with expert Eva-Maria Fink, mother and expert on the reproductive rights of women with disabilities, the social image implications that women with disabilities are confronted with in relation to the desire to have children and having children, and the barriers that mothers with disabilities face were discussed. The disabled female participants were provided the opportunity to ask questions and raise issues during the event. The women engaged themselves in extensive discussion, exchanged ideas, networked and shared their experiences.

In autumn, a workshop on ‘Becoming a Mother – Being a Mother’ takes place and the 7th “Haltestelle” focusing on young women with disabilities is going to be held. More information to follow.