Migrants in Vienna´s employment market

The present study was conducted by L&R Social Research in cooperation with the Austrian Institute for Economic Research (WIFO). The study gives insight on the employment market in Vienna and the effect immigration has on the qualification and job structure as well as on the areal structure of the city of Vienna.

The study is structured in 4 parts. Initiatory the study offers an overview of the legal situation for the sector of transnational migration (Law related to aliens 2005), creating a certain under-standing for segmentation of migrants per legal status. This is based on the annual expertise of the WIFO concerning the settlement of foreigners for the BMI. Subsequently, part A analyses the structure of the available labour force and the areal concentration in relation to the migra-tional background and social status, while part B concentrates on the dynamics of the structural changes of the economically active population of Vienna and its migrational background. Pro-ceeding from these basic investigations, part C forecasts the available labour force for Vienna until the year 2025, in doing so, responding to the increasing heterogeneity of migration per country of origin. Part number 4, D, reflects on the study result implications for politics, espe-cially on the need for political labour market activities. Finally optional measures will be pre-sented, which shall increase the employability of people with migrational background as well as their individual employment chances. Furthermore, an improvement of the qualification structure of Vienna´s human resources also serves Vienna´s economical development chances.

As far as the data situation allows, the study will display the country of origin or the ethnic group in terms of a differentiated definition of migration instead of the standard information on citizenship. This term allows detecting everyone, who either him or herself or at least one par-ent has moved to another country. On this note, displaying the naturalisation processes is attempted (for example by the comparison of citizenship and country of birth) and also, as far as possible, to encompass the characteristics of second-generation immigrants.

Client: Vienna Employment Fund (WAFF)
Team: Andreas Riesenfelder, Andreas Steinmayr, Gudrun Biffl, Julia Bock-Schappelwein
from: 2007 to: 2008