Meta-analysis on the employment of people with disabilities in early childhood education

Employing people with disabilities in early childhood education can bring valuable perspectives and experiences, promote diversity and offer children and parents positive role models for inclusion. However, there is hardly any knowledge in Austria about the current situation on the employment of people with disabilities as early childhood educators. Similarly, little is known about whether and to what extent the legal and structural framework conditions enable or hinder the employment of people with disabilities in primary education.

On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, L&R Social Research is therefore conducting a study on this still underexplored topic. In addition to analysing the legal and structural framework conditions, the focus is also on whether and in what form there is data on the employment of people with disabilities as elementary educators in Austria. In addition, a search for international studies on the employment of people with disabilities in the professional field of early childhood education will be carried out.

Client: Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung, Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
Team: Barbara Glück, Claudia Sorger, Katharina Aufhauser, Lisa Danzer
from: 2024 to: 2024