Housing First – pilot scheme: accompanying evaluation

“Housing first” is a new approach in the system of the Viennese Assistance Programme for the Homeless. Unlike usual forms of transitional dwelling, here the homeless clients are provided affordable apartments of their own, resp. in their own responsibility from the very beginning. Mobile care services support them for a period of approx. 1.5 years in autonomous living. “Housing First” is considered an interesting and innovative additional offer within the existing Assistance System for the Homeless. For the implementation of the new concept, it is important to know the conditions under which “Housing First” can be established a successful model in Vienna – the experiences of the pilot scheme will be an essential foundation for that. The evaluation team should therefore collect relevant data, analyse the experiences and feedback the findings into the project. Those inputs are ment to support the ongoing reflection and to enhance the process of discussion and project development.

Client: Verein neunerHAUS, Hilfe für obdachlose Menschen
Team: Andreas Riesenfelder, Susanne Schmatz
from: 2012 to: 2015
