Harassment in the workplace: Experiences in selected sectors with a low number of women in Lower Austria

With reference to the Austrian Equal Treatment Act (§ 6 GlBG), employers are responsible for creating a working environment that is free from sexual and gender-based harassment. Despite this, studies show that employees – more often women – are affected by sexual and gender-based harassment in the workplace. Furthermore, based on previous findings, industry-specific characteristics can be identified. With regard to male-dominated fields of employment, it is assumed that women are affected by specific discrimination and harassment based on gender.

A study on behalf of the Lower Austrian Chamber of Labour aims to identify the experiences of Lower Austrian employees in male-dominated sectors. The following questions are answered on the basis of a quantitative online survey:

  • To what extent are employees in male-dominated industries in Lower Austria affected by sexual and gender-based harassment?
  • What forms of harassment are experienced and / or observed? Who are the perpetrators of sexual and gender-based harassment?
  • What is the connection between the working environment in a company and sexual and gender-based harassment?
  • What reactions are taken by the company? How are abusers and victims dealt with?
  • What measures do Lower Austrian companies take to prevent sexual and gender-based harassment in the workplace?
Client: Chamber of Labour Lower Austria
Team: Claudia Sorger, Ronja Nikolatti
from: 2024 to: 2025