Gender Equality Report Vienna Holding 2023

The Gender Equality Report 2023 is a continuation of the reporting on gender equality at Wien Holding for the years 2022 to 2023. This enables the development of equality between 2014 and 2023 to be assessed and the further development following the disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic to be recorded. In addition to this comparison over time, the report is also intended to provide a differentiated presentation of the current situation of gender equality at Wien Holding. The key figures can be used to make connections and hypotheses about factors influencing gender equality and the participation of women in management positions.

The report serves to inform and support HR department and management in order to visualise structural differences between women and men and changes over time. In order to take into account the different areas of activity of the companies, the key figures are differentiated according to business areas. The results from the Gender Equality Report are prepared for Wien Holding’s handbook on gender equality promotion.

L&R Social Research is carrying out the project in cooperation with Andrea Leitner (IHS) as an external expert.


Client: Wien Holding
Team: Nadja Bergmann, Ronja Nikolatti
from: 2024 to: 2024