Educational and career choices of young women: MINT (STEM) the Gap!

Studies and international comparisons point to the persistently high horizontal gender segregation of the Austrian labour market, i.e. a numerical dominance of women or men in certain occupations and occupational groups.
With regard to this, the aim of the study was to identify barriers that prevent women from pursuing a career in the STEM field or counteract their long-term stay. In addition, (designable) factors were identified that (can) support young women to pursue a STEM-related educational path.

Two methodological approaches were chosen:

  • On the one hand, around 200 studies and surveys were examined in a systematic literature analysis along content-related categories. The aim was to capture structural factors as well as the actor and individual level in order to elaborate a comprehensive picture of hindering but also facilitating influences.
  • This was supplemented by nine qualitative focus groups among female pupils, students and apprentices in the STEM sector. In addition to the general discussion of individual motives and barriers in the choice of career and education, the role of social media was focused on: How and with what effects are they used? Are new career aspirations triggered? Do they strengthen already existing career aspirations or do they serve to obtain factual information?
The study is commissioned by LEA – Let’s Empower Austria, the Austrian Fund for the Empowerment and Promotion of Women and Girls.
Some fact and figures:
Client: LEA – Let’s Empower Austria
Team: Lucas Meyer, Nadja Bergmann, Petra Wetzel, Ronja Nikolatti
from: 2022 to: 2023
