DigiTyps – De-stereotyping of Job Profiles and Training Concepts in the Digital Transformation

Within the framework of the EU programme “Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020”, L&R Social Research, in cooperation with the IHS, the BAB Unternehmensberatung and the Netzwerk Österreichischer Frauen- und Mädchenberatungsstellen (Network of Austrian Women’s and Girls’ Counselling Centres), is carrying out the two-year project “DigiTyps – De-stereotyping of occupational profiles and training concepts in the digital transformation”.

With the project, we are pursuing the question of whether the current upheavals taking place in the world of work represent an opportunity to modify gender-specific job and training attributions in such a way that can contribute to a dissolution of existing gender-specific stereotyping.

In order to gain empirical-practical insights into how the current digital change could contribute to a dissolution or weakening of existing stereotypes, different empirical field research will be carried out in a first step with the active involvement of young apprentices and career starters, companies and labour market policy actors. This will take place in Vienna and Lower Austria, which represent three different regional types: an urban, a rural and an industrial region.

The central questions are: What new digital occupational fields and training are emerging in the regions? And how are these changes perceived from a gender perspective (focus on gender stereotyping)?

The aim is to develop approaches based on concrete regional findings as to how strategies for reducing gender-specific stereotyping in the world of education and occupation can succeed in the course of digitalisation and how regional vocational orientation and training offers can be adapted.

The project is supported by the Public Employment Service Austria, the Office of the Provincial Government of Lower Austria, the Vienna Employee Promotion Fund, the Women’s Service of the City of Vienna (MA57), the Vienna Chamber of Labour and the Chamber of Labour for Lower Austria and co-financed by the European Commission.


Client: EU programme
Team: Claudia Sorger, Nadja Bergmann, Ronja Nikolatti
from: 2021 to: 2022
